
Rochester Institute of Technology

Development of an Automated Method for Disassembly and Separation of Apparel for Recycling

Development of an Automated Method for Disassembly and Separation of Apparel for Recycling

The overarching goal of this project is to develop a system that can rapidly and accurately characterize, then dismantle (detach), disposed garment materials by composition, thereby allowing for final separation into high purity, and therefore higher value, secondary material streams. 

The technology solution to be delivered at the end of the project will be a proof-of-concept system that implements; multi-spectral imaging, garment structural characterization, cutting pattern and path planning, and high-speed cutting, all of these elements will be integrated into a garment conveyance system having appropriate controls and safety features. This project will increase secondary feedstock by 0.66MMT, 27.7 PJ energy reduction, 1.07 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on increasing the recycle if apparel from 13% to 19.5%. 

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Nike, Inc.


Development of a Novel Design for Remanufacturing Software Plugin for CAD

Development of a Novel Design for Remanufacturing Software Plugin for CAD

This project is a continuation of exploratory project 18-02-DE-04. The goal of this project seeks to develop a practical, implementable software tool that enables DfRem considerations in the product design process and is seamlessly integrated with existing CAD software packages commonly used in industry. Upon completion, this projects deliverables include an integrated software tool with RIE and DRC modules and CAD plugins for Autodesk and Creo. This project will increase in secondary material use by 0.280MMT, energy savings of 23.7 PJ, and emissions reduction of 1.48 MMT, based on preliminary data from project 18-02-DE-0.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar, Inc. BorgWarner (Delphi), Trane Technologies, ZF Group (WABCO), Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC), Autodesk


High Speed Laser Cladding Repair Process Development

High Speed Laser Cladding Repair Process Development

This project seeks to expand upon the exploratory project, 18-02-RM-03 results to more fully vet the capabilities of HSLC and investigate additional additive repair applications that are challenging due to strength requirements, distortion requirements, and wear requirement. Limitations to the performance of the developed HSLC system will also be addressed, including design of a nozzle with HSLC in mind that incorporates additional cooling and improved powder focus. The technology solution that will be delivered at the end of the project is HSLC material system repair techniques, including a new powder nozzle design, and a general process guide to describe application of the repair methods. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.014 million metric tons (MMT) steel, 13.8 PJ energy reduction, 0.8 MMTCO2e. Assumptions based on preliminary results of 18-02-RM-03. 

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar Inc., Synergy Additive Manufacturing


Automation for Remanufacturing of Battery Modules

Automation for Remanufacturing of Battery Modules

This project seeks to develop an automation process, enabled by a computer vision system and robotic arms for facilitating routine disassembly and human-in-the-loop, to enable a more flexible, safer, and more efficient LIB disassembly process. Upon completion, this project will deliver the capability to identify damaged and severely degraded modules using electrical test and thermal imaging, a process for high-value assessment of the entire battery pack using electrical tests, and elements for automation of the pack disassembly such as robotic removal of battery pack fasteners. This project will increase recovery of secondary feedstock by 0.198 MMT, save 33PJ of embodied energy, reduce GHG by 2.12 MMT of CO2, based on a doubling of the current reman rate for current EV production of 3.1 million cars.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), BigBattery


Development of Hybrid Repair and Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies for Aerospace Components

Development of Hybrid Repair and Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies for Aerospace Components

The objective of this project is to develop an integrated hybrid DED/insitu multi-modal data acquisition and NDE modeling of DED repairs for aerospace materials (i.e. medium carbon low alloy steel and a nickel-based superalloy) to increase the successful repair and reuse of these materials. This proposed project is a continuation exploratory project 18-01-RM-09.  

The final product will be a complete software package that can automatically perform multi-modal (surface topography and thermal imaging) in-situ data acquisition (residual stresses) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) analysis for industry users without expertise in 3D scanning, thermal imaging, and XRD. This project will create embodied energy savings of 1.56PJ and GHG emissions reduction of 0.0915MMT of CO2, based on an increase in successful repair of 0.021MMT of aerospace parts such as turbine shafts.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Iowa State University (ISU), The Ohio State University (OSU), Simufact, Hybrid Manufacturing Tech, Proto Mfg. Inc., Pratt & Whitney


Remanufacturing of Surface-Hardened Steel Components by Ultrasonic Surface Modification

Remanufacturing of Surface-Hardened Steel Components by Ultrasonic Surface Modification

This project seeks to develop practical repair techniques to recover nominal ‘as-new’ fatigue life in used or worn surface-hardened steel components by i) forging closed preexisting microcracks, ii) introducing beneficial compressive residual stresses (CRS) deeper than conventional shot peening, and iii) generating a nanocrystalline microstructure at the surface. Surface repairs based on UIT (a form of high-frequency needle peening) will be developed for a range of usage-induced damage conditions that are commonly found in these components, but for which there is a lack of practical repair methods.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar, Inc., University of Pittsburgh (PITT)


High Speed Laser Cladding for Hard Surface Replacement

High Speed Laser Cladding for Hard Surface Replacement

This project lays out a novel technique - high speed laser cladding - for remanufacturing high-strength components such as crankshafts and camshafts. While cladding is a proven technique for applying wear-resistant metal coatings In manufacturing, high-speed laser cladding increases productivity and significantly reduce the cost of applying the layers That will enable use of this technology in remanufacturing.

The new approach to cladding will result in increasing the reuse rate in engine remanufacturing from 70% to 95%, reducing annual embodied energy and emissions by 1.3 PJ and 44,000 metric tons, respectively.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, Caterpillar Inc., Synergy Additive Manufacturing


Non-Destructive In-process Assessment of Thermal Spray Repairs

Non-Destructive In-process Assessment of Thermal Spray Repairs

Thermal spray process inspection is currently lot-based which can result in the rejection of entire lots of parts due to process variation. This project will focus on development of non-destructive in-process evaluation of thermal spray to minimize reject rates of good parts.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, Caterpillar Inc.


Epoxy/Silicon Potting Material Removal for Greater Recovery of Circuit Boards

Epoxy/Silicon Potting Material Removal for Greater Recovery of Circuit Boards

More cost-effective technologies are needed to remove coating or potting materials from circuit boards to enable repair and reuse. Two alternative technologies, laser ablation and micro-media blasting, will be tested and evaluated to quantify cost-effectiveness relative to industry specified cost targets.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, Caterpillar Inc., CoreCentric Solutions


Low Heat Repair of Cast Iron

Low Heat Repair of Cast Iron

The objective of this project is to develop a robust weld repair process that does not require pre-heat temperatures greater than 315°C and shortens cool down periods to less than eight hours. In addition, the process will be able to consistently create a weld with minimal regions of high hardness and no cracks in or around the weld.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, John Deere Reman


Remaining Life Determination

Remaining Life Determination

Non-destructive methods to measure accumulated mechanical damage (i.e., fatigue) prior to failure do not exist. Research will focus on methods to reliably detect features associated with early stage fatigue damage to predict the remaining useful life of the part.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Caterpillar Inc.


Condition Assessment of Used Electronics

Condition Assessment of Used Electronics

Detecting solder joint and interconnection failures on used electronics presents a serious cost challenge for remanufacturers because detection is currently completed manually. Several automated methods for detection of these failures will be examined to determine their feasibility for use in the remanufacturing industry.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, Caterpillar Inc., CoreCentric Solutions


Design for Remanufacturing

Design for Remanufacturing

This project is focused on working directly with remanufacturing industry leaders to create a set of pragmatic “design for remanufacturing” rules that would allow design engineers to integrate remanufacturing considerations in their component and part designs and pave the way for integration of these design rules across various engineering tools and CAD platforms currently in use to enable improvement in component and part manufacturability.

These design rules will be verified on existing parts and CAD file(s) provided by the industrial partner to identify potential changes to improve the part manufacturability.  Integration of manufacturability into the design paradigm is expected to enable an increase in remanufacturing contributing to an annual energy saving of about 50 PJ and an annual emission reduction of 3.6 million MT of CO2-eq.  

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, Caterpillar Inc., Remanufacturing Industries Council
