
The Ohio State University

Development of Hybrid Repair and Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies for Aerospace Components

Development of Hybrid Repair and Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies for Aerospace Components

The objective of this project is to develop an integrated hybrid DED/insitu multi-modal data acquisition and NDE modeling of DED repairs for aerospace materials (i.e. medium carbon low alloy steel and a nickel-based superalloy) to increase the successful repair and reuse of these materials. This proposed project is a continuation exploratory project 18-01-RM-09.  

The final product will be a complete software package that can automatically perform multi-modal (surface topography and thermal imaging) in-situ data acquisition (residual stresses) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) analysis for industry users without expertise in 3D scanning, thermal imaging, and XRD. This project will create embodied energy savings of 1.56PJ and GHG emissions reduction of 0.0915MMT of CO2, based on an increase in successful repair of 0.021MMT of aerospace parts such as turbine shafts.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Iowa State University (ISU), The Ohio State University (OSU), Simufact, Hybrid Manufacturing Tech, Proto Mfg. Inc., Pratt & Whitney


Achieving 100% Recycling Aluminum in Die Casting Applications

Achieving 100% Recycling Aluminum in Die Casting Applications

The goal of this project is to achieve 100% use of recycled aluminum in die casting applications by realizing the following two objectives: 1) substitute 100% secondary materials for primary alloys in structural die castings with no degradation in properties; and 2) improve the mechanical properties of the current secondary alloys for non-structural applications.

Project Team:
The Ohio State University (OSU), Alcoa USA Corp., North American Die Casting Association (NADCA), CompuTherm LLC


Recycling of PET in Sustainable Food Packaging Systems

Recycling of PET in Sustainable Food Packaging Systems

The primary objective of this project is to replace conventionally produced milk cartons, aseptic bricks, and food trays with 100% recycled PET.

Project Team:
MuCell Extrusion LLC, Plastilene SAS a Plastilene Group Company, Wingate Packaging, Sugar Creek Packaging Co., Center for Innovative Food Technology (CIFT), The Ohio State University (OSU)


Analysis and Design for Sustainable Circularity of Barrier Film in Sheet Molding Composites

Analysis and Design for Sustainable Circularity of Barrier Film in Sheet Molding Composites

This project seeks to develop 1) data and models about alternatives for recycling, reusing, or replacing the current nylon-based SMC barrier film, and 2) an approach, database, and software for the design of sustainable and circular networks of this barrier film.

Project Team:
The Ohio State University (OSU), Kohler Co., National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Arizona State University (ASU)


Increasing Melt Efficiency and Secondary Alloy Usage in Aluminum Die Casting

Increasing melt efficiency and secondary alloy usage in aluminum die casting

The aluminum casting industry uses limited quantities of secondary alloys because of their poor quality (i.e. high concentrations of residual contaminants such as iron). In this project thermodynamic and kinetic models coupled with experimental validation and testing will be used to develop holistic contaminant control techniques including alloy, flux and refractory chemistries to increase melt efficiencies with higher levels of secondary materials use.

Project Team:
The Ohio State University (OSU), Alcoa USA Corp., North American Die Casting Association (NADCA)


Development of New Cost-Effective Methods for Removing Trace Contaminants in Recycled Metals

Development of New Cost-Effective Methods for Removing Trace Contaminants in Recycled Metals

Cost-effective technologies for the in-melt removal and/or neutralization of trace contaminants in metals is critical for secondary feedstocks to achieve cost parity with primary feedstocks. This exploratory project will experimentally evaluate the addition of “scoping” elements in molten aluminum to neutralize trace contaminants that would otherwise constrain the recycling of aluminum.

Project Team:
The Ohio State University, Alcoa, Computherm
