
Improving Recycling Efficiency of Portable Electronics by Automating Battery Disassembly

Improving Recycling Efficiency of Portable Electronics by Automating Battery Disassembly

This project proposes to develop an automated and integrated battery disassembly process for EOL PCEs using a modular approach, as well as design and develop a component disassembly and battery removal process using a combination of mechanical (e.g., robotic disassembly, water-jet cutting), chemical, and thermal approaches to increase EOL PCE materials recover and processes throughputs

Upon completion, this project will design a prototype system, built and operated to confirm system effectiveness. This project will increase secondary materials by 0.03 million metric tons (MMT) of e-waste, 3.6 PJ energy reduction, 0.180MMTCO2e. Assumptions based on recovery of 20% of 150,000 metric tons per year of PCE discarded.

Project Team:
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Sunnking, University at Buffalo (UB), Iowa State University (ISU)


Hybrid Laser Processing for Metallic Surface Remanufacturing

Hybrid Laser Processing for Metallic Surface Remanufacturing

The goal of this project is to develop a novel remanufacturing strategy using hybrid laser surface processing for effective removal of corrosion and coatings and fast repair of metallic surfaces. In specific, laser surface ablation will be used to remove coating/corrosion, while laser surface remelting will be applied to repair surface defects (cracks and wear damages) to restore the surface integrity. The outcomes of this research will yield a prototype robot-integrated hybrid laser system that can be used for surface remanufacturing of components with complex geometry. This project's energy savings are estimated at 16.5MJ/kg of reman product. 

Project Team:
Iowa State University (ISU), University of Nevada, Reno, Volvo


Low-Cost, High-Value Aromatics from Upcycling of Polyolefins Through Microwave Catalytic Processing

Low-Cost, High-Value Aromatics from Upcycling of Polyolefins Through Microwave Catalytic Processing

In this project, a simple one-step microwave catalytic process is proposed for upcycling single-use plastics into high-value BTX (benzene, toluene, xylene). This project will deliver optimized catalyst and processes to allow lower operating temperatures and higher BTX yield, the goal is to further increase the BTX yield up to 80% and reduce the reaction temperature from 300 ◦C to 200 ◦C and develop designs for quartz fluidized reactor and H-field microwave cavity for continuous large-scale single-use plastics microwave upcycling treatment. The TPMs of this project are estimated at 2MMT of secondary materials use, 73PJ of energy savings and 1.923MMT of CO2 reduction. Assumptions based on utilization of 10% of 20MMT of polyolefins that are recoverable.

Project Team:
West Virginia University (WVU), Braskem America, Inc.


Recycling Technologies for Silicon Solar Modules

Recycling Technologies for Silicon Solar Modules

The objective of this project is to develop a ready-to-commercialize recycling process to recover materials from silicon modules: solar-grade silicon, lead, silver, tin, solar-quality glass cullet, aluminum, and copper. The focus is on a new chemical recycling process to recover solar-grade silicon, lead, silver, tin, and copper from silicon cells.

Upon completion, this project will deliver an optimized chemical recycling process for silicon solar cells extracted from modules. The optimized process will be the basis for designing and constructing a pilot plant for silicon module recycling at 100,000 modules/year in the U.S. which recovers solar-grade silicon, lead, silver, solar-quality glass cullet, aluminum, copper, and tin from silicon modules. This project will increase secondary materials recovery by about 0.2MMT, embodied energy savings of 22PJ, and GHG emissions reduction of 1.106MMT. Assumptions based on recycling 20% of the expected EOL solar panels in the U.S. in 2030.

Project Team:
Arizona State University (ASU), First Solar Inc., TG Companies LLC


Recovery of Plastics and Natural Fibers from Non-Recyclable Municipal Solid Waste for Composites Production

Recovery of Plastics and Natural Fibers from Non-Recyclable Municipal Solid Waste for Composites Production

This project aims to recover secondary feedstocks of plastics and fibers from mixed flexible plastics (MFP) stream of nonrecyclable waste and develop advanced compounding and manufacturing processes to convert these recyclates to fiber-reinforced polymer composites.

Upon completion, this project will develop an integrated fractionation method that combines novel wet separation and fractionation approaches with air classification and NIR-based separation to decontaminate and obtain four plastic fractions and one natural fiber fraction from waste streams, processable material formulations out of these recyclates, and an advanced compounding procedure based on Ring Extrusion technology that produces high quality feedstocks. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 1.12 million metric tons (MMT) of flexible plastics, 96.7 PJ energy reduction, 1.52MMCO2e. Assumptions based on utilization of 20% of 5.62MMT of flex plastics available for recovery. 

Project Team:
University of Massachusetts-Lowell (UM-L), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Auburn University, Washington State University, Remacol Inc., CPM Extrusion Group, DTG Recycle Group


Recycling and Refining of Aluminum Foils and other Difficult Scraps

Recycling and Refining of Aluminum Foils and other Difficult Scraps

The goal of this project is to produce a cost-competitive secondary feedstock for the aluminum industry using under-utilized foil materials as a source of material. Upon completion, this project will deliver a new processing technology that can continuously process thin gauge materials with a high level of organic contamination with high recovery yields, and design and demonstration of a novel prototype multi-chamber kiln for processing aluminum foils for recycling. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.326 million metric tons (MMT) of scrap aluminum, 55.6 PJ energy reduction, 2.71 MMTCO2e. Assumptions based on recovery of 360,000 short tons of scrap aluminum foil. 

Project Team:
Oculatus Consulting, Phinix LLC, Eck Industries, GPRL R&E LLLC


Enhanced Processing of Aluminum Scrap at End-of-life via Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensing

Enhanced Processing of Aluminum Scrap at End-of-life via Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensing

This project aims to deliver value-based intelligent melt control (VALI-MELT), a process control software tool with advanced sensing and processing capabilities, which enables closed loop quality control and optimal blending of scrap material.  VALI-MELT incorporates a scrap quality assessment tool (SQA), control software and in melt LIBS analyzer to enable close loop control for the utilization of post-consumer scrap.

Upon completion, this project will deliver a commercially viable software and sensing control tool that will enable optimal blending of scrap and real time processing adjustments based on feedstock composition and quality. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.462 million metric tons (MMT) of aluminum, 85 PJ energy reduction, 4.57 MMCO2e. Assumptions are based on demand projection for aluminum in 2030.

Project Team:
Solvus Global, Energy Research Company (ERCo), Eck Industries, Mercury Marine, Novelis, Schnitzer Steel Industries


Development of an Automated Method for Disassembly and Separation of Apparel for Recycling

Development of an Automated Method for Disassembly and Separation of Apparel for Recycling

The overarching goal of this project is to develop a system that can rapidly and accurately characterize, then dismantle (detach), disposed garment materials by composition, thereby allowing for final separation into high purity, and therefore higher value, secondary material streams. 

The technology solution to be delivered at the end of the project will be a proof-of-concept system that implements; multi-spectral imaging, garment structural characterization, cutting pattern and path planning, and high-speed cutting, all of these elements will be integrated into a garment conveyance system having appropriate controls and safety features. This project will increase secondary feedstock by 0.66MMT, 27.7 PJ energy reduction, 1.07 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on increasing the recycle if apparel from 13% to 19.5%. 

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Nike, Inc.


A Technical Evaluation Framework for Recycling Technologies

A Technical Evaluation Framework for Recycling Technologies

his project seeks to develop a framework for determining a temporal hierarchy of technical recycling constraints and corresponding recycling parameters (recycling rates, recycled contents, and environmental benefits), develop a consistent quantitative methodology for defining the performance of recycling technologies, and collect sufficient material flow, composition, and recycling technology data to demonstrate the framework by evaluating the merits of emerging metal and polymer recycling technologies for select scrap streams.

Upon completion, this project aims to validate the Python‐based Recycling Constraint Evaluation Framework (RCEF) model containing the metal and polymer case study results that can be easily adapted to any material stream, an excel‐based Recycling Technology Performance (RTP) model (input to the RCEF model) containing a quantitative description of >11 emerging recycling technology processes and that can be easily adapted to add new technology definitions, and a published report on A New Framework for Evaluating Recycling Constraints and the Efficacy of Emerging Recycling technologies. Systems Analysis and Integration projects do not directly impact TPMs. 

Project Team:
University of Michigan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), The Plastics Industry Association, The Aluminum Association, Steel Manufacturers Association


Modeling reverse flows of selected recycled materials, their associated energy use and their GHG emissions

Modeling reverse flows of selected recycled materials, their associated energy use and their GHG emissions: An application to California and a blueprint for the US

The objective of this project is to create a unique systems analysis tool for REMADE, the recycling industry, and U.S. consumers of recycled materials (using the California State Freight Forecasting Model (CSFFM) in the California Statewide Freight Forecasting and Travel Demand Model (CSF2TDM) as a framework) that will enable REMADE, recycling agencies, and industry to analyze and project the generation, flow, recycling, reuse, and disposal of scrap metal, e-waste, selected plastics, and fibers from packaging, and their associated net energy consumption and net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, under different scenarios.  The tool will be developed using California as a case study; detailed step-by-step instructions to enable the extension of this tool to other states and the U.S. will be developed.​ 

Project Team:
University of California-Irvine (UCI), TruckPay.com


Education and Workforce Development on Chemical Recycling of Plastics

Education and Workforce Development on Chemical Recycling of Plastics

This project seeks to develop practitioner & expert level training in chemical recycling of plastics to educate, train, & develop the incumbent workforce for careers in Re-X, content will be prepared for both in-person and online delivery. The learning objectives include; to understand the state-of-the-art of various chemical recycling technologies, understand the product output for each type of chemical recycling process, understand the post-processing requirements needed to recover and separate products from a product state and to purify, modify and/or upgrade products to meet market requirements, understand the primary mechanisms for integrating the chemical recycling technologies into the supply chain for the products and co-products generated by the process, and understand the critical factors that affect the technical performance and costs of alternative chemical recycling process technologies.

The target audience for practitioner level training is intended for incumbent workers that currently work with Re-X technologies or in adjacent technology domains who wish to broaden their knowledge. Expert level training is intended to provide in-depth coverage of advanced Re-X concepts or technology and is targeted toward engineers or scientists trying to deepen their expertise.

Project Team:
University at Buffalo (UB), Resource Recycling Systems (RRS)


Course on Systems Thinking for Material Management: Benefit and Tools

Course on Systems Thinking for Material Management: Benefit and Tools

The objective of this project is to develop awareness, practitioner, and expert level training focused on benefits and tools of systems thinking for material management, content will be prepared for both in-person and online delivery.

Upon completion, awareness level training will provide an overview of systems analysis tools and applications, namely MFA, LCA, and life cycle cost analysis. Practitioner level training will give students a sound understanding of systems analysis tools available, an overview of references and experts to contact for follow-up questions, and the ability to conduct basic material flow, life cycle, and cost analysis. Students will use some software products and web-based tools as part of this course. Expert level training will include an introduction to LCA tools and methods, criticality assessments, the NREL material flows in industry tool, and combined systems analysis. This expert level training will build upon the awareness and practitioner training and case studies. Students will be instructed on conducting MFAs and LCAs independently.

The target audience for this project include workforce engineers, technicians, managers and executives throughout the supply chain for metals, polymers, fibers, and electronics. This project will coordinate outreach with partners, including Green Blue, to disseminate training.

Project Team:
Georgia Institute of Technology, Yale University, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), GreenBlue, The Aluminum Association

Design for RE-Solar

Design for RE-Solar

This traditional research and development REMADE proposal is to create a framework that addresses the knowledge gaps of RE-SOLAR design. The proposed framework will offer impact projections for future PV panel waste streams (globally and for the US) based on predictions of global PV growth, provide LCA of various PV designs, and demonstrate new concepts and innovation for the design of an industrial scale PV recycling plant. The proposal is a continuation of Project 18-01-DE-07.

Upon completion, this project will deliver PV in a circular economy (PV ICE) version 1.0.0 software tool with the capability to analyze embodied energy and equivalent carbon dioxide emissions given changes in Si PV technologies, new PV technologies such as tandem cells and perovskites, and effects of changing raw material sourcing or increasing recycled material in manufacturing; The tool will also be used to analyze reduced material consumption and the effect of open-loop versus closed-loop recycling on future CO2 emissions, energy, waste streams, and material economic value. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 1.08 million metric tons (MMT), 26.6 PJ energy reduction, 1.34 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on preliminary results of the exploratory project.

Project Team:
University of Pittsburgh, University of California-Irvine (UCI), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), First Solar, Alfred University, Yale University, Sunnking, Inc., Aluminum Association, Electronic Recyclers International (ERI)


Development of a Novel Design for Remanufacturing Software Plugin for CAD

Development of a Novel Design for Remanufacturing Software Plugin for CAD

This project is a continuation of exploratory project 18-02-DE-04. The goal of this project seeks to develop a practical, implementable software tool that enables DfRem considerations in the product design process and is seamlessly integrated with existing CAD software packages commonly used in industry. Upon completion, this projects deliverables include an integrated software tool with RIE and DRC modules and CAD plugins for Autodesk and Creo. This project will increase in secondary material use by 0.280MMT, energy savings of 23.7 PJ, and emissions reduction of 1.48 MMT, based on preliminary data from project 18-02-DE-0.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar, Inc. BorgWarner (Delphi), Trane Technologies, ZF Group (WABCO), Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC), Autodesk


Data-Driven Design Decision Support for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

Data-Driven Design Decision Support for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

This project aims to develop and validate a new tool package (D4Reman) for design decision analysis to improve the reuse rates of high-value components at end-of-life. The project is a continuation of exploratory project 18-02-DE-06. Upon completion, this project will create a software tool package (D4Reman) for data-driven design decision support consisting of a cloud-based software application along with an Excel plugin. It will utilize field reliability data and reman reuse data to identify design improvement decisions and quantitatively assess their influences on the initial cost, life-cycle warranty cost (LCWC), and energy and emissions. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.55 million metric tons (MMT) of steel and aluminum, 7 PJ energy reduction, 0.42 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on preliminary results of exploratory project.

Project Team:
Iowa State University (ISU), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Mississippi State University, John Deere, Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA)


Development of Manufacturing Technologies to Increase Scrap Steel Recycling into New Tires

Development of Manufacturing Technologies to Increase Scrap Steel Recycling into New Tires

This project seeks to develop innovative processing technologies that can enable a greater rate of recycling of steel scrap into the manufacturing of new tires. The goal of this proposal is to increase the scrap recycling rate from 20% to 80%. During the cold drawing process, the fine wires are subjected to high levels of stresses that are known to generate wire breakage when impurity levels such as Cu or Sn are too high.

Upon completion, this project will develop thermal and chemical processing techniques to ameliorate the micro-structure to tolerate higher Cu contents. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.682 million metric tons (MMT) of steel, 10.7 PJ energy reduction, 1.19 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on U.S. tire production and increase in recycled steel use from 20 to 80%.

Project Team:
Arizona State University (ASU), Michelin North America, Inc.


Development of Computational Tools for Predicting Seam Weld Integrity in Thick-Walled Hollow Aluminum Extrusions

Development of Computational Tools for Predicting Seam Weld Integrity in Thick-Walled Hollow Aluminum Extrusions

The primary goal of this project is to reduce scrap and consumption of primary aluminum during the manufacturing of thick-walled hollow extrusions by developing simulation tools for predicting the quality of seam and charge welds. Upon completion, this project will provide computational methods and acceptance criteria for simulating the extrusion process and using the tools to design process and die modifications that lead to a reduction in scrap.

Project Team:
Secat, Inc., Lehigh University, University of Kentucky, Taber Extrusions, LLC.


Catalytic Upcycling of Polyolefins

Catalytic Upcycling of Polyolefins

This project's overall objective is to integrate catalysis, reaction engineering with process design, and technoeconomic analysis to allow waste polyolefins to be a viable feedstock to produce chemicals and monomers. Upon completion, this project will deliver a low-temperature catalytic process for upgrading pyrolysis oils from waste polyolefins to chemical intermediates. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 2.0 million metric tons (MMT) of polyolefins, 20 PJ energy reduction, 1.005 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on utilization of 10% of PP and LPDE in MSW.

Project Team:
University California Santa Barbara, BASF


Fast Diagnostics to Enable EV Battery Reuse

Fast Diagnostics to Enable EV Battery Reuse

This project aims to develop a portable test technology to verify SOH of used EV batteries, in the field to enable re-use of battery packs as opposed to materials recycling. Upon completion, this project will deliver a portable sensor technology for lower-cost in-field testing of used electric vehicle (EV) battery health and usability for second-life battery (2LB) applications. Additionally, this project will deliver faster portable battery diagnostics that can increase test throughput by 3x, reduce overall shipping and warehousing requirements by 30%, and reduce overall repurposing costs by 36%, and repurposing 1MWh of batteries reduces emissions by 73 MT CO2E by offsetting new battery manufacturing. 

Project Team:
ReJoule, Renewance


High Speed Laser Cladding Repair Process Development

High Speed Laser Cladding Repair Process Development

This project seeks to expand upon the exploratory project, 18-02-RM-03 results to more fully vet the capabilities of HSLC and investigate additional additive repair applications that are challenging due to strength requirements, distortion requirements, and wear requirement. Limitations to the performance of the developed HSLC system will also be addressed, including design of a nozzle with HSLC in mind that incorporates additional cooling and improved powder focus. The technology solution that will be delivered at the end of the project is HSLC material system repair techniques, including a new powder nozzle design, and a general process guide to describe application of the repair methods. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.014 million metric tons (MMT) steel, 13.8 PJ energy reduction, 0.8 MMTCO2e. Assumptions based on preliminary results of 18-02-RM-03. 

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Caterpillar Inc., Synergy Additive Manufacturing
