
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Data-Driven Design Decision Support for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

Data-Driven Design Decision Support for Remanufacturing of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment

This project aims to develop and validate a new tool package (D4Reman) for design decision analysis to improve the reuse rates of high-value components at end-of-life. The project is a continuation of exploratory project 18-02-DE-06. Upon completion, this project will create a software tool package (D4Reman) for data-driven design decision support consisting of a cloud-based software application along with an Excel plugin. It will utilize field reliability data and reman reuse data to identify design improvement decisions and quantitatively assess their influences on the initial cost, life-cycle warranty cost (LCWC), and energy and emissions. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.55 million metric tons (MMT) of steel and aluminum, 7 PJ energy reduction, 0.42 MMCO2e. Assumptions based on preliminary results of exploratory project.

Project Team:
Iowa State University (ISU), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Mississippi State University, John Deere, Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association (APRA)


Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion

Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion

Current single-sensor non-destructive fatigue damage evaluation techniques have limited accuracy in predicting actual fatigue damage and the remaining useful life of a recovered part. The integration of multiple sensors which respond differently to fatigue damage has the potential of increasing the predictive accuracy of remaining useful life of materials to enable higher remanufacturing rates of parts.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pennsylvania State University


Remaining Life Determination

Remaining Life Determination

Non-destructive methods to measure accumulated mechanical damage (i.e., fatigue) prior to failure do not exist. Research will focus on methods to reliably detect features associated with early stage fatigue damage to predict the remaining useful life of the part.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Caterpillar Inc.


Quantification of Financial and Environmental Benefits Tradeoffs in Multi-Generational Product Family Development Considering Re-X Performances

Quantification of Financial and Environmental Benefits Tradeoffs in Multi-Generational Product Family Development Considering Re-X Performances

The objectives are to develop fundamental models and new design tools with capabilities of generating and comparing design for Re-X alternatives considering economic profitability and environmental impact savings. The specifics of the research objectives are to (1) identify design for reliability processes factors that are interdependent with Re-X options, thus establish models for the interdependencies, (2) integrate these interdependence models with existing reliability analysis tools so that new analysis tools could take into account Re-X options in design for reliability, (3) create a decision support system for the optimization of product family design considering reliability and Re-X options concurrently, and (4) take into account the uncertainties resulted from post design activities so that robust design tradeoff decisions can be made.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Iowa State University, Deere and Company, Green Electronics Council


Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

This project lays out an approach to develop a new process for recycling aerospace (AA7075) aluminum scrap into a high strength castable aluminum alloy. The project will focus on developing approaches to overcome the technical challenges (such as hot tearing and macrosegregation) which limit industry’s ability to process and use up to 35,000 metric tons of aluminum scrap. The expected energy benefits are estimated at 6.5 PJ per year with an emissions reduction of about 370,000 metric tons per year.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eck Industries Inc.

