
Aluminum Scrap

Enhanced Processing of Aluminum Scrap at End-of-life via Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensing

Enhanced Processing of Aluminum Scrap at End-of-life via Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensing

This project aims to deliver value-based intelligent melt control (VALI-MELT), a process control software tool with advanced sensing and processing capabilities, which enables closed loop quality control and optimal blending of scrap material.  VALI-MELT incorporates a scrap quality assessment tool (SQA), control software and in melt LIBS analyzer to enable close loop control for the utilization of post-consumer scrap.

Upon completion, this project will deliver a commercially viable software and sensing control tool that will enable optimal blending of scrap and real time processing adjustments based on feedstock composition and quality. This project will reduce primary feedstock by 0.462 million metric tons (MMT) of aluminum, 85 PJ energy reduction, 4.57 MMCO2e. Assumptions are based on demand projection for aluminum in 2030.

Project Team:
Solvus Global, Energy Research Company (ERCo), Eck Industries, Mercury Marine, Novelis, Schnitzer Steel Industries


Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

This project lays out an approach to develop a new process for recycling aerospace (AA7075) aluminum scrap into a high strength castable aluminum alloy. The project will focus on developing approaches to overcome the technical challenges (such as hot tearing and macrosegregation) which limit industry’s ability to process and use up to 35,000 metric tons of aluminum scrap. The expected energy benefits are estimated at 6.5 PJ per year with an emissions reduction of about 370,000 metric tons per year.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eck Industries Inc.

