

Increasing Melt Efficiency and Secondary Alloy Usage in Aluminum Die Casting

Increasing melt efficiency and secondary alloy usage in aluminum die casting

The aluminum casting industry uses limited quantities of secondary alloys because of their poor quality (i.e. high concentrations of residual contaminants such as iron). In this project thermodynamic and kinetic models coupled with experimental validation and testing will be used to develop holistic contaminant control techniques including alloy, flux and refractory chemistries to increase melt efficiencies with higher levels of secondary materials use.

Project Team:
The Ohio State University (OSU), Alcoa USA Corp., North American Die Casting Association (NADCA)


Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion

Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion

Current single-sensor non-destructive fatigue damage evaluation techniques have limited accuracy in predicting actual fatigue damage and the remaining useful life of a recovered part. The integration of multiple sensors which respond differently to fatigue damage has the potential of increasing the predictive accuracy of remaining useful life of materials to enable higher remanufacturing rates of parts.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Pennsylvania State University


Remaining Life Determination

Remaining Life Determination

Non-destructive methods to measure accumulated mechanical damage (i.e., fatigue) prior to failure do not exist. Research will focus on methods to reliably detect features associated with early stage fatigue damage to predict the remaining useful life of the part.

Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Caterpillar Inc.


Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

Development of a Castable High Strength Secondary Aluminum Alloy from Recycled Wrought Aluminum Scrap

This project lays out an approach to develop a new process for recycling aerospace (AA7075) aluminum scrap into a high strength castable aluminum alloy. The project will focus on developing approaches to overcome the technical challenges (such as hot tearing and macrosegregation) which limit industry’s ability to process and use up to 35,000 metric tons of aluminum scrap. The expected energy benefits are estimated at 6.5 PJ per year with an emissions reduction of about 370,000 metric tons per year.

Project Team:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eck Industries Inc.

