

A Technical Evaluation Framework for Recycling Technologies

A Technical Evaluation Framework for Recycling Technologies

his project seeks to develop a framework for determining a temporal hierarchy of technical recycling constraints and corresponding recycling parameters (recycling rates, recycled contents, and environmental benefits), develop a consistent quantitative methodology for defining the performance of recycling technologies, and collect sufficient material flow, composition, and recycling technology data to demonstrate the framework by evaluating the merits of emerging metal and polymer recycling technologies for select scrap streams.

Upon completion, this project aims to validate the Python‐based Recycling Constraint Evaluation Framework (RCEF) model containing the metal and polymer case study results that can be easily adapted to any material stream, an excel‐based Recycling Technology Performance (RTP) model (input to the RCEF model) containing a quantitative description of >11 emerging recycling technology processes and that can be easily adapted to add new technology definitions, and a published report on A New Framework for Evaluating Recycling Constraints and the Efficacy of Emerging Recycling technologies. Systems Analysis and Integration projects do not directly impact TPMs. 

Project Team:
University of Michigan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), The Plastics Industry Association, The Aluminum Association, Steel Manufacturers Association


Modeling reverse flows of selected recycled materials, their associated energy use and their GHG emissions

Modeling reverse flows of selected recycled materials, their associated energy use and their GHG emissions: An application to California and a blueprint for the US

The objective of this project is to create a unique systems analysis tool for REMADE, the recycling industry, and U.S. consumers of recycled materials (using the California State Freight Forecasting Model (CSFFM) in the California Statewide Freight Forecasting and Travel Demand Model (CSF2TDM) as a framework) that will enable REMADE, recycling agencies, and industry to analyze and project the generation, flow, recycling, reuse, and disposal of scrap metal, e-waste, selected plastics, and fibers from packaging, and their associated net energy consumption and net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, under different scenarios.  The tool will be developed using California as a case study; detailed step-by-step instructions to enable the extension of this tool to other states and the U.S. will be developed.​ 

Project Team:
University of California-Irvine (UCI), TruckPay.com


Course on Systems Thinking for Material Management: Benefit and Tools

Course on Systems Thinking for Material Management: Benefit and Tools

The objective of this project is to develop awareness, practitioner, and expert level training focused on benefits and tools of systems thinking for material management, content will be prepared for both in-person and online delivery.

Upon completion, awareness level training will provide an overview of systems analysis tools and applications, namely MFA, LCA, and life cycle cost analysis. Practitioner level training will give students a sound understanding of systems analysis tools available, an overview of references and experts to contact for follow-up questions, and the ability to conduct basic material flow, life cycle, and cost analysis. Students will use some software products and web-based tools as part of this course. Expert level training will include an introduction to LCA tools and methods, criticality assessments, the NREL material flows in industry tool, and combined systems analysis. This expert level training will build upon the awareness and practitioner training and case studies. Students will be instructed on conducting MFAs and LCAs independently.

The target audience for this project include workforce engineers, technicians, managers and executives throughout the supply chain for metals, polymers, fibers, and electronics. This project will coordinate outreach with partners, including Green Blue, to disseminate training.

Project Team:
Georgia Institute of Technology, Yale University, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), GreenBlue, The Aluminum Association

Dynamic Systems Analysis of PET and Olefin Polymers in a Circular Economy

Dynamic Systems Analysis of PET and Olefin Polymers in a Circular Economy

This project seeks to continue the development of a Systems Analysis model including materials flow analysis, techno-economic assessment, and life-cycle assessment for PET and Olefins materials flow in the U.S. economy.

Project Team:
Michigan Technological University (MTU), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Resource Recycling Systems (RRS), Yale University, Chemstations


Systems Analysis for PET and Olefin Polymers in a Global Circular Economy

Systems Analysis for PET and Olefin Polymers in a Global Circular Economy

This exploratory project will develop a framework for systems analysis of PET and polyolefins in the context of a circular economy. These polymeric materials are currently recycled at low rates in the U.S., but are among the largest volumes of polymeric materials that are recyclable. The objective of this project is to develop a framework that will enable analyses of factors such as new recovery technologies that might enhance the recovery and recycle of polymers including polyolefins and PET.

Project Team:
Michigan Technological University, American Chemistry Council, Idaho National Laboratory


A Dynamic Techno-economic Systems Modeling Framework for U.S. Fiber Recycling

A Dynamic Techno-economic Systems Modeling Framework for U.S. Fiber Recycling

This project will model and test the U.S. fiber recycling industry – specifically for paper and paperboard – to improve its long-term profitability and increase its environmental benefits. 

The project will provide a virtual testbed that will explore resilience to volatility in scrap quantities, quality, markets, and prices, and consider changes to current and future recycling capacities and technologies in order to increase domestic fiber recycling by 15% or more.

Project Team:
Northwestern University, Yale University, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries


Identifying strategies to maximize benefit of fiber recovery through systems quantification

Identifying strategies to maximize benefit of fiber recovery through systems quantification

This project will analyze the system‐wide economic and environmental implications of changes in the recovery of fibers. The project will use a dynamic modeling framework that integrates material flow analysis, life cycle inventories, and technical cost modeling to inform potential ideas for cost‐effective fiber recovery approaches.

A goal of this project is for REMADE members to more accurately determine the energy and emissions benefits associated with paper and paperboard recovery.  

Project Team:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The American Forest & Paper Association, WestRock, Graphic Packaging
