Development of Hybrid Repair and Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies for Aerospace Components
The objective of this project is to develop an integrated hybrid DED/insitu multi-modal data acquisition and NDE modeling of DED repairs for aerospace materials (i.e. medium carbon low alloy steel and a nickel-based superalloy) to increase the successful repair and reuse of these materials. This proposed project is a continuation exploratory project 18-01-RM-09.
The final product will be a complete software package that can automatically perform multi-modal (surface topography and thermal imaging) in-situ data acquisition (residual stresses) and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) analysis for industry users without expertise in 3D scanning, thermal imaging, and XRD. This project will create embodied energy savings of 1.56PJ and GHG emissions reduction of 0.0915MMT of CO2, based on an increase in successful repair of 0.021MMT of aerospace parts such as turbine shafts.
Project Team:
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Iowa State University (ISU), The Ohio State University (OSU), Simufact, Hybrid Manufacturing Tech, Proto Mfg. Inc., Pratt & Whitney