
University of Utah

Efficient Purification and Reuse of Carbon Black Recovered from End-of-Life Tires

Efficient Purification and Reuse of Carbon Black Recovered from End-of-Life Tires

This project seeks to develop process technology to recover a low-ash content high-quality carbon black from end-of-life tire rubber.

Project Team:
University of Utah, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), OTR Wheel Engineering/Green Carbon


Low-Cost, High-Value Metal Recovery from Electronic Waste to Increase Recycling and Reduce Environmental Impact

Low-Cost, High-Value Metal Recovery from Electronic Waste to Increase Recycling and Reduce Environmental Impact

This project seeks to adapt relatively low-cost and low-energy leaching technologies to directly recover copper and precious metals from e-waste.  This approach will enable the recovery of these metals from the mixed metals and plastics streams from e-waste and also enable recovery of the plastics. This technology could replace energy-intensive pyrometallurgical processes such as high-temperature smelting that might otherwise be used to recover metals, but due to the high-temperature the plastics are consumed. 

Utilizing these less energy-intensive and lower-cost technologies will provide the economic incentive to dramatically increase e-waste recycling by as much as 20%. The potential energy and emissions reduction are estimated at 21PJ per year and 1.2 million MT of CO2eq per year.

Project Team:
University of Utah, Sunnking, Inc.


Demineralization of Carbon Black Derived from End-of-Life Tires

Demineralization of Carbon Black Derived from End-of-Life Tires

Alternative process technologies will be experimentally evaluated to upgrade carbon black recovered from end-of-life tires to meet carbon black market quality specifications. Approximately 3.87 Mt of waste tires accrue every year in the United States. If all these tires were processed to recover the carbon black, about 1.1 Mt of carbon black could be recovered to use as a secondary feedstock.

Project Team:
University of Utah, OTR Wheel Engineering/Green Carbon Inc., Idaho National Laboratory


Rapid Sorting of Scrap Metals with Solid State Device

Rapid Sorting of Scrap Metals with Solid State Device

This project focuses on improving the separation of non-ferrous scrap metals from other non-ferrous metals using electrodynamic sorting (EDX) at high throughput and with greater purity and yield.

Project Team:
University fo Utah
