

Selective Recovery of Elements from Molten Aluminum Alloys

Selective Recovery of Elements from Molten Aluminum Alloys

This project seeks to develop, validate, and commercialize several processes to selectively remove iron, copper, silicon, manganese, and zinc from molten-scrap–based secondary aluminum melts to improve the recyclability of scrap aluminum.

Project Team:
Phinix, LLC, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Kingston Process Metallurgy, Smelter Service Corporation, Certified Flux Solutions, LLC


Low-Concentration Metal Recovery from Complex Streams Using Gas-Assisted Microflow Solvent Extraction (GAME)

Low-Concentration Metal Recovery from Complex Streams Using Gas-Assisted Microflow Solvent Extraction (GAME)

The objective of this project is to develop GAME for efficient and cost- effective extraction and purification of low-concentration, high-value metals from complex streams. The successful development of this technology will contribute to the production of high- purity precious metals from end-of-life PCBs of various sources. GAME uses three phases (aqueous, organic, and gas) to achieve an efficient separation in a confined microchannel.

Project Team:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Phinix, LLC
