

Applying Improved Optical Recognition with Machine Learning on Sorting Cu Impurities in Steel Scrap

Citation: Gao, Z. , Sridhar, S. , Spiller, D. E. , and Taylor, P.R., "Applying Improved Optical Recognition with Machine Learning on Sorting Cu Impurities in Steel Scrap", published paper in Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, December 7, 2020 online.

Authors: Gao, Z. [Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (United States)], Sridhar, S. [Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (United States)], Spiller, D. E. [Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (United States)], and Taylor, P.R. [Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (United States)]

Publication Info: Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy

DOI: 10.1007/s40831-020-00300-8

ISSN: 2199-3823

Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Refractory Materials Used in Aluminum Die Casting

Citation: E. Cinkilic, M.P. Moodispaw, A.A. Luo, Y. Chu, P. Brancaleon, “Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Refractory Materials Used in Aluminum Die Casting”, Virtual Die Casting Congress & Tabletop, October 20-22, 2020.

Authors: E. Cinkilic [The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (United States)], M.P. Moodispaw [The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (United States)], A.A. Luo [The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (United States)], Y. Chu [Ryobi Die Casting, Shelbyville, IN (United States), P. Brancaleon [North American Die Casting Association, Arlington Heights, IL (United States)]

Publication Info: 2020 Virtual NADCA Die Casting Congress

Note: Won Award