

A New Recycled Al-Si-Mg Alloy for Sustainable Die Casting Applications

Citation: M.P. Moodispaw, E. Cinkilic, J. Zhang, J. Miao, A.A. Luo, “A New Recycled Al-Si-Mg Alloy for Sustainable Die Casting Applications”, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 19–23, 2023. 

Authors: M.P. Moodispaw, E. Cinkilic, J. Zhang, J. Miao, A.A. Luo

Publication Info: TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 19-23, 2023

Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition Model for Chemistry Scholarly Papers

Citation: Heaton, C., Zhang, N., Toraman, H.E., Mitra, P. Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition Model for Chemistry Scholarly Papers. Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Symposium, 2022.

Authors: Heaton, C., Zhang, N., Toraman, H.E., Mitra, P.

Presentation Info: Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Symposium, October 12-14, 2022

Post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste make structural composites

Citation: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum, Post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste make structural composites, ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. 

Authors: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:    ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Parameters effecting mechanical properties of composites from post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled PET resin

Citation: M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, A. Maheshwari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum, Parameters effecting mechanical properties of composites from post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled PET resin, ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. ​

Authors: M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, A. Maheshwari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:   ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Effect of crystallinity on mechanical properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)

Citation: L. A. Kamran, M. Y. Azarfam, F. D. Blum, Effect of crystallinity on mechanical properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET),  ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. 

Authors: L. A. Kamran, M. Y. Azarfam, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:  ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Recovery of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards by Physical/Mechanical Recycling Processes: A Review

Citation: Alves, J. (Author and Presenter - Graduate Student) & Rezaee, M. (Author, Penn State). (October 2022). "Recovery of Base and Precious Group Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards," EMS Graduate Research Showcase, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State, University Park, PA, peer-reviewed/refereed. Received the 3rd Place award.

Authors: Alves, J., Rezaee, M.

Presentation Info: EMS Graduate Research Showcase, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State, University Park, PA

Fundamental understanding of interaction effects in mixed plastic waste pyrolysis

Citation: Toraman, H.E. Fundamental understanding of interaction effects in mixed plastic waste pyrolysis. 2022. American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022 Meeting. Chemical Deconstruction & Upcycling of Polymer Waste Symposium. Invited talk

Authors: Toraman, H.E.

Presentation Info: American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022 Meeting, August 21-25, 2022 Chicago, IL

Unweaving the textile fiber system through material flow analysis

Citation: Althaf, S. (presenter) and Reck, B.K. “Unweaving the U.S. textile system using material flow analysis”. Oral presentation at NIST workshop “Facilitating a Circular Economy for Textiles”, September 21, 2021.

Authors: Althaf, S. and Reck, B. K.

Presentation Info: Workshop “Facilitating a Circular Economy of Textiles”, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Deep Learning-Powered Visual Inspection using SSD Mobile Net V1 with FPN

Citation: Deep Learning-Powered Visual Inspection using SSD Mobile Net V1 with FPN. Pallavi Dubey[*], Elif Elcin Gunay, John Jackman, Gül E. Kremer[*]and Paul Kremer. FAIM Conference 2022

Authors: Pallavi Dubey[*], Elif Elcin Gunay, John Jackman, Gül E. Kremer[*]and Paul Kremer

Presentation Info: FAIM Conference 2022, June 19-23, 2022 Detroit, MI

A Probabilistic Model to Estimate Automated and Manual Visual Inspection Errors

Citation: A Probabilistic Model to Estimate Automated and Manual Visual Inspection Errors. Pallavi Dubey[*], John Jackman, Gül E. Kremer[*] and Paul Kremer, Iowa State University, Ames IA 50010, USA, FAIM Conference 2022

Authors: Pallavi Dubey[*], John Jackman, Gül E. Kremer[*] and Paul Kremer

Presentation Info: FAIM Conference 2022, June 19-23, 2022 Detroit, MI

Environmental and Energy Impacts of Current PET and Polyolefin Plastic Material Flows in the United States: A Systems Analysis Approach 

Citation: Chaudhari, U.S. , Johnson, A., Reck, B., Handler, R., Hartley, D., Thompson, V., Frey, J., Young, W., Watkins, D., Shonnard, D. (2022). Environmental and Energy Impacts of Current PET and Polyolefin Plastic Material Flows in the United States: A Systems Analysis Approach. Virtual Oral Presentation, ACS 26th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference.​

Authors: Chaudhari, U.S. , Johnson, A., Reck, B., Handler, R., Hartley, D., Thompson, V., Frey, J., Young, W., Watkins, D., Shonnard, D.

Presentation Info: ACS 26th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference

Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Method Development for the Pyrolysis of Polypropylene

Citation: Perez, B. (presenter) & Toraman, H.E. Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Method Development for the Pyrolysis of Polypropylene. 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022.

Authors: Perez, B. & Toraman, H.E.

Presentation Info: 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022

Catalytic co-pyrolysis of mixed plastics over multiple zeolite catalysts: Interaction effects and kinetic modelling

Citation:Okonsky, S. T. (presenter), Jayarama Krishna, J.V., & Toraman, H. E. Catalytic co-pyrolysis of mixed plastics over multiple zeolite catalysts: Interaction effects and kinetic modelling, 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022.

Authors: Okonsky, S. T.,Jayarama Krishna, J.V., & Toraman, H. E.

Presentation Info: 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022

Reactive extrusion for modifying post-industrial polyolefins in preparation for mechanical recycling

Citation: O.Ferki, J. Krantz, P. Gao, K. Forsyth, M. Sobkowicz-Klein, D. Masato. "Reactive extrusion for modifying post-industrial polyolefins in preparation for mechanical recycling", 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (https://www.pps-37.org/), Technical Presentation, April 12th, 2022.

Authors: Olivia Ferki, Joshua Krantz, Peng Gao, Kizazeal Forsyth, Margaret Sobkowicz, Davide Masato (University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA)

Presentation Info: 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society April 11-15, 2022

Investigation of in-mold rheology for process control of recycled polyolefins

Citation: J.Krantz, Z. Nieduzak, P. Gao, E. Kazmer, O. Ferki, M. Sobkowicz-Klein, D. Masato. "Investigation of in-mold rheology for process control of recycled polyolefins", 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society  (https://www.pps-37.org/), Technical Presentation, April 11th, 2022.

Authors:Joshua Krantz, Zarek Nieduzak, Peng Gao, Elizabeth Kazmer, Olivia Ferki, Margaret Sobkowicz-Klein, Davide Masato (University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA)

Presentation Info: 37th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society April 11-15, 2022

From recycled bottles and carpets to reinforced plastics

Citation: F. D. Blum, R. Y. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, Siddhesh Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, S. Bandla, From recycled bottles and carpets to reinforced plastics, National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA.

Authors: F. D. Blum, R. Y. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, Siddhesh Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, S. Bandla

Presentation Info: National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA

Repurposing post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste into structural composites

Citation: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaud­hari, C. Switzer, Jay C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, S. Bandla, F. D. Blum, Repurposing post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste into structural composites, National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA.

Authors: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaud­hari, C. Switzer, Jay C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, S. Bandla, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info: National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA

Recycled carpet-reinforced composites from polypropylene carpet and HDPE resin

Citation: R. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R. Vaidyanathan., F. D.. Blum, Recycled carpet-reinforced composites from polypropylene carpet and HDPE resin, National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA.​

Authors: R. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R. Vaidyanathan., F. D.. Blum

Presentation Info: National ACS Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA

Increasing Secondary Alloy Usage in Aluminum Die Casting Industry

Citation: E. Cinkilic, M.P. Moodispaw, J. Zhang, A.A. Luo, “Increasing Secondary Alloy Usage in Aluminum Die Casting Industry”, Invited Talk, REWAS 2022 Conference, TMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, February 27 – March 3, 2022.

Authors: E. Cinkilic, M.P. Moodispaw, J. Zhang, A.A. Luo

Publication Info: REWAS 2022 Conference, TMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, February 27 – March 3, 2022