
Recycling & Recovery

A Decision Support Tool for E-waste Recycling Operations using the Hen-and-Chicks Bio-Inspired Optimization Metaheuristic

Citation: Rahman MM, Nguyen R, Severson M, Williams S, Hartley D. A decision support tool for e-waste recycling operations using the hen-and-chicks bio-inspired optimization metaheuristic. Decision Analytics Journal. 2023 Apr 5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2023.100216

Authors: Rahman MM, Nguyen R, Severson M, Williams S, Hartley D.

Journal Info: Decision Analytics Journal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2023.100216

Lead Leaching and Electrowinning in Acetic Acid for Solar Module Recycling

Citation: Natalie Click, Randy Adcock, Theresa Chen, Meng Tao, Lead leaching and electrowinning in acetic acid for solar module recycling, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 254, 2023, 112260, ISSN 0927-0248, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2023.112260.

Authors: Natalie Click, Randy Adcock, Theresa Chen

Journal Info: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells Journal Volume: 254 Journal Issue: C

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2023.112260

Economic and environmental feasibility of recycling flexible plastic packaging from single stream collection


Yingqian Lin, Michael H. Severson, Ruby T. Nguyen, Anne Johnson, Christopher King, Beth Coddington, Hongqiang Hu, Brennan Madden, “Economic and environmental feasibility of recycling flexible plastic packaging from single stream collection”, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 192, 2023, 106908, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4186807

Authors: Corresponding Author: Dr. Yingqian Lin; Co-Authors: Michael Severson, M.S.; Ruby Thuy Nguyen, Ph.D.; Anne Johnson, M.S.; Christopher King, M.S.; Beth Coddington, B.A.; Hongqiang Hu, Ph.D.; Brennan Madden, M.S.

Journal Info: Resources, Conservation & Recycling

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4186807

Thermomechanical Properties of Crosslinked EVA: A Holistic Approach

Citation: Kimberly Miller McLoughlin, Amin Jamei Oskouei, Michelle K. Sing, Alireza Bandegi, Sarah Mitchell, Jayme Kennedy, Thomas G. Gray, and Ica Manas-Zloczower. “Thermomechanical Properties of Crosslinked EVA: A Holistic Approach.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2023 5 (2), 1430-1439. DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c01928

Authors: McLoughlin, K.M., Oskouei, A, Sing, M.K., Bandegi, A., Mitchell, S., Kennedy, J., Gray, T. G., Manas-Zloczower, I.

Journal Info: Journal of Applied Polymer Materials

DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c01928

Economic analysis of precious metal recovery from electronic waste through gas-assisted microflow extraction

Citation: Deng S., Xiao Z., Zhang W., Noble A., Das S., Yih Y., Sutherland J.W., 2023. Economic analysis of precious metal recovery from electronic waste through gas-assisted microflow extraction. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 190, 106810.

Authors: Deng S., Xiao Z., Zhang W., Noble A., Das S., Yih Y., Sutherland J.W.

Journal Info: Resources, Conservation & Recycling

Sustainable compression-molded composites using post-consumer recycled polyester carpets and bottling discards

Citation: S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, M. Y. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, F. D. Blum, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, Sustainable compression-molded composites using post-consumer recycled polyester carpets and bottling discards, SAMPE Europe Conference 2022, Hamburg, Germany, November 14-16, 2022.

Authors: S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, M. Y. Azarfam, A. Maheshwari, F. D. Blum, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan

Poster Info: SAMPE Europe Conference 2022, Hamburg, Germany, November 14-16, 2022 

A New Method of Studying the Fundamental Mechanisms Involved in Pigment Liberation from Recycle Papers

Citation: Huang, K., Strickland, K., Noble, A., Yoon, R. H., & Basilio, C., “A New Method of Studying the Fundamental Mechanisms Involved in Pigment Liberation from Recycle Papers,” TAPPI Journal October 2022

Authors: Kaiwu Huang, Kris Strickland, Aaron Noble, and Roe-Hoan Yoon; Cesar Basilio

Publication Info: TAPPI Journal

Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition Model for Chemistry Scholarly Papers

Citation: Heaton, C., Zhang, N., Toraman, H.E., Mitra, P. Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition Model for Chemistry Scholarly Papers. Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Symposium, 2022.

Authors: Heaton, C., Zhang, N., Toraman, H.E., Mitra, P.

Presentation Info: Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Symposium, October 12-14, 2022

Post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste make structural composites

Citation: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum, Post-consumer polypropylene carpet and mixed polyolefin waste make structural composites, ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. 

Authors: A. Maheshwari, M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, S. Bandla, R Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:    ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Parameters effecting mechanical properties of composites from post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled PET resin

Citation: M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, A. Maheshwari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum, Parameters effecting mechanical properties of composites from post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled PET resin, ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. ​

Authors: M. Y. Azarfam, S. Chaudhari, A. Maheshwari, C. Switzer, J. C. Hanan, R. Vaidyanathan, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:   ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Effect of crystallinity on mechanical properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)

Citation: L. A. Kamran, M. Y. Azarfam, F. D. Blum, Effect of crystallinity on mechanical properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET),  ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK. 

Authors: L. A. Kamran, M. Y. Azarfam, F. D. Blum

Presentation Info:  ACS Oklahoma Pentasectional Meeting, October 8, 2022, Bartlesville, OK

Recovery of Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards by Physical/Mechanical Recycling Processes: A Review

Citation: Alves, J. (Author and Presenter - Graduate Student) & Rezaee, M. (Author, Penn State). (October 2022). "Recovery of Base and Precious Group Metals from Waste Printed Circuit Boards," EMS Graduate Research Showcase, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State, University Park, PA, peer-reviewed/refereed. Received the 3rd Place award.

Authors: Alves, J., Rezaee, M.

Presentation Info: EMS Graduate Research Showcase, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State, University Park, PA

Fundamental understanding of interaction effects in mixed plastic waste pyrolysis

Citation: Toraman, H.E. Fundamental understanding of interaction effects in mixed plastic waste pyrolysis. 2022. American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022 Meeting. Chemical Deconstruction & Upcycling of Polymer Waste Symposium. Invited talk

Authors: Toraman, H.E.

Presentation Info: American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2022 Meeting, August 21-25, 2022 Chicago, IL

Bioengineered Copper Recovery from Electronic Wastes to Increase Recycling and Reduce Environmental Impact

Citation: Arun Murali, Matthew J Plummer, Adam E Shine, Michael L Free, Prashant K Sarswat, “Optimized bioengineered copper recovery from electronic wastes to increase recycling and reduce environmental impact”. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, Volume 5, 2022,100031, ISSN 2772-4166, doi: 10.1016/j.hazadv.2021.100031

Authors: Murali, A., Sarswat, P. K., Plummer, M. J., Shine, A. E., Free, M. L.

Article Info: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

Catalytic thermochemical conversion of plastic waste into fuels, chemicals, and value-added materials: A critical review and outlooks

Citation: Yang, Ren‐Xuan, Jan, Kalsoom, Chen, Ching‐Tien, Chen, Wan‐Ting, and Wu, Kevin C. ‐W. Thermochemical Conversion of Plastic Waste into Fuels, Chemicals, and Value‐Added Materials: A Critical Review and Outlooks. Germany: N. p., 2022. Web. doi: 10.1002/cssc.202200171

Authors: Ren-Xuan Yang, Kalsoom Jan, Wan-Ting Chen*, and Kevin C.W. Wu

Journal Info: Green Chemistry

Liberation study of waste printed circuit boards for recycling base and precious group metals

Citation: Sharmba, T. (Author and Presenter - Undergraduate Student), & Rezaee, M. (Author). (July 2022). "Liberation study of waste printed circuit boards for recycling base and precious group metals," Summer Research Internship Showcase, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA, Contributed. Colleges. Received the 3rd place award.

Authors: Sharmba, T. & Rezaee, M.

Poster Info: Summer Research Internship Showcase, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA

Catalytic co-pyrolysis of LDPE and PET with HZSM-5, H-Beta, and HY: Experiments and kinetic modelling

Citation: Okonsky, S. T.,Jayarama Krishna, J.V., & Toraman, H. E. Catalytic co-pyrolysis of LDPE and PET with HZSM-5, H-Beta, and HY: Experiments and kinetic modelling.  Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, Issue 10 (2022), part of themed collection: Emerging Investigator Series.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/D2RE00144F

Authors: Sean Timothy Okonsky, J.V. Jayarama Krishna, and Hilal Ezgi Toraman

Publication Info: Reaction Chemistry & Engineering

Modeling the Pyrolysis Behavior of Plastic Mixtures Using Artificial Neural Network

Citation: Perez, B. & Toraman, H.E. Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Method Development for the Pyrolysis of Polypropylene. 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022.

Authors: Jayarama Krishna, J.V., Perez, B., & Toraman, H. E.

Poster Info: 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022

Catalytic co-pyrolysis of LDPE and PET with HZSM-5, H-Beta, and HY: Experiments and kinetic modelling

Citation: Okonsky, S. T.,Jayarama Krishna, J.V., & Toraman, H. E. Catalytic co-pyrolysis of LDPE and PET with HZSM-5, H-Beta, and HY: Experiments and kinetic modelling, 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022.

Authors: Okonsky, S. T.,Jayarama Krishna, J.V., & Toraman, H. E.

Poster Info: 2022 Penn State Energy and Mineral Engineering Research Showcase, April 27, 2022