
Compression molding for assessing sustainable polymer composites using post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled polyester from bottling waste streams

Citation: Siddhesh Chaudhari, Clinton Switzer, Mohamadreza Youssefi Azarfam, Anuj Maheshwari, Frank D. Blum, Jay Hanan, Sudheer Bandla, Ranji Vaidyanathan, "Compression molding for assessing sustainable polymer composites using post-consumer polyester carpet and recycled polyester from bottling waste streams", presented at CAMX 2021, Dallas TX, October 19-21-2021

Authors: Siddhesh Chaudhari, Clinton Switzer, Mohamadreza Youssefi Azarfam, Anuj Maheshwari, Frank D. Blum, Jay Hanan, Sudheer Bandla, Ranji Vaidyanathan

Conference Info: The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, Oct 19-21, 2021 Dallas TX