Citation: Di, J., B. K. Reck, A. Miatto, and T. E. Graedel. 2021. United States plastics: Large flows, short lifetimes, and negligible recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 167: 105440. 25 January 2021. DOI:
Authors: Di, J. [Tsinghua University, Beijing (China) and Yale University, New Haven, CT (United States)], Reck, B. K. [Yale University, New Haven, CT (United States)], Miatto, A. [Yale University, New Haven, CT (United States)], Graedel, T. E. [Yale University, New Haven, CT (United States)]
Publication Info: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105440